Research & Writing
I write about mental health, mental illness, psychology, and therapy.
I hold undergraduate degrees in history and psychology, a doctoral degree in clinical psychology, and also completed a post-doctoral research fellowship in psychology. My doctoral research focused on psychological aspects of end-stage organ failure and organ transplantation.
My academic research interests include clinical and health psychology, resilience, and training and wellbeing of health care professionals. I am an ad hoc reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals, and contribute to academic and media publications.
I indulge my preoccupation with all things therapy and bibliotherapy here.
Book chapters:
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Conference presentations:
I hold undergraduate degrees in history and psychology, a doctoral degree in clinical psychology, and also completed a post-doctoral research fellowship in psychology. My doctoral research focused on psychological aspects of end-stage organ failure and organ transplantation.
My academic research interests include clinical and health psychology, resilience, and training and wellbeing of health care professionals. I am an ad hoc reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals, and contribute to academic and media publications.
I indulge my preoccupation with all things therapy and bibliotherapy here.
- 'Talk to me: Lessons from patients and their therapist.' (2025). Routledge.
- 'The how-to of psychotherapy: A practical guide for therapists.' (2025 - forthcoming). Routledge.
- 'As a psychologist, I help others recognise gender-based violence. Then my friend had the same conversation with me' The Guardian, 5 February 2025
- 'The biggest problem with trigger warnings? They’re quite triggering' The Age Opinion piece, 14 October 2024
- 'It’s a nice idea, but more therapy won’t fix our growing mental health crisis' The Age Opinion piece, 8 September 2024
- 'Yes, they make us feel better. But your pet is not your therapist' The Age Opinion piece, 11 August 2024
- 'Love him or hate him, Scott Morrison's mental health was none of our business' The Age Opinion piece, 30 April 2024
- 'Men aren’t all bad – many are just confounded by the new rules' The Age Opinion piece, 4 April 2024
- 'Is a person speaking ‘their truth’ different from the truth? It’s complicated' The Age Opinion piece, 9 January 2024
- 'In a time of pervasive uncertainty, we mustn't be tempted to take refuge in absolute certainties' ABC Religion & Ethics, 19 December 2023
- 'Self-diagnosis is on the rise, but is TikTok really to blame?' The Age Opinion piece, 9 November 2023
- 'How shame influences the decisions we make, and compounds the harm we do to others' ABC Religion & Ethics, 6 November 2023
- 'Silverchair, take it from a psychologist – rehashing your breakup won’t help anything' The Age Opinion piece , 5 October 2023
Book chapters:
- Denny, B. (2019). Ethical issues associated with competence and limits of confidentiality. In N. Pelling & L. Burton (Eds.), The elements of ethical practice: Applied psychology ethics in Australia (pp. 131-139). Oxon: Routledge.
- Denny, B., & Gavidia-Payne, S. (2018). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for health-related adjustment disorder. In N. Pelling & L. Burton (Eds.), The elements of psychological case report writing in Australia (pp 145-152). Oxon: Routledge.
- Gavidia-Payne, S., & Denny, B. (2017). Other conditions that may be the focus of clinical attention. In N. Pelling & L. Burton (Eds.), Abnormal psychology in context: The Australian and New Zealand Handbook (pp. 276-287). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
- Denny, B., Brown, J., Kirby, C., Garth, B., Chesters, J., & Nestel, D. (2019). “I'm never going to change unless someone tells me I need to”: Fostering feedback dialogue between GP supervisors and registrars. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25(4), 374-379.
- Denny, B., Chester, A., & Brown, J. (2016) “Let’s not reinvent the wheel”: A qualitative investigation of collaboration in the Australian GP education and training sector. Focus on Health Professional Education, 17(1), 45-48. doi: 10.11157/fohpe.v17i1.121
- Denny, B., Kienhuis, M., Gavidia-Payne, S. (2015). Explaining the quality of life of organ transplant patients by using crisis theory. Progress in Transplantation, 25(4), 324-331.
- Denny, B., Chester, A., Butler, M., & Brown, J. (2015). Australian GP registrars’ use of e-resources. Education for Primary Care, 26(2), 79-86.
- Gavidia-Payne, S., Denny, B., Francis, A., Davis, K., & Jackson, M. (2015). Parental resilience; A neglected construct in resilience research. Clinical Psychologist, 19(3), 111-121. doi: 10.1111/cp.12053
- Gavidia-Payne, S., Denny, B., Francis, A., Davis, K., & Jackson, M. (2014). Children’s self-concept: Parental school engagement and student-teacher relationships in rural and urban Australia. Social Psychology of Education, 18(1), 121-136. doi: 10.1007/s11218-014-9277-3
- Denny, B., Gavidia-Payne, S., Francis, A., Davis, K., & Jackson, M. (2014). Strengthening Australian families: Socioeconomic status, social connectedness, and family functioning. Australian Social Work, 67(3), 438-450. doi: 10.1080/0312407X.2014.911927
- Chester, A., Clarke, A., Wingrove, D., & Denny, B. (2013). 'Talking about teaching: empowering staff through peer partnerships.' in Andrea Nolan (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 11-13 June 2013, pp. 568-575.
- Chester, A., Burton, L., Xenos, S., Elgar, K., & Denny, B. (2013). Transition in, transition out: A sustainable model to engage first year students in learning. A practice report. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education. 4 (2), 125-130.
- Denny, B., Kienhuis, M., & Gavidia-Payne, S. (2013). Promoting the quality of life of organ transplant patients. InPsych, 35 (1), 14-15.
- Denny, B., Beyerle, K., Kienhuis, M., Cora, A., Gavidia-Payne, S., & Hardikar, W. (2012). New insights into family functioning and quality of life after pediatric liver transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation, 7, 711-715. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3046.2012.01738.x
- Denny, B., & Kienhuis, M. (2011). Using crisis theory to explain the quality of life of organ transplant patients. Progress in Transplantation. 21 (3), 182-189.
Conference presentations:
- Kirby, C., Brown, J., Denny, B., Garth, B., & Chesters, J. (2019, September). Fostering feedback dialogue between general practice supervisors and registrars. GPET Convention, Melbourne.
- Denny, B. (2014, October). Fostering resilience: Enhancing the fourth year psychology experience through stress inoculation training. 2014 APS Annual Conference, Hobart.
- Denny, B., Chester, A., Brown, J., & Butler, M. (2014, October). Academia meets industry: Conducting psychological research in a non-academic setting. 2014 APS Annual Conference, Hobart.
- Xenos, S., Chester, A., Burton, L., & Denny, B. (2014, February). Transition In Transition Out (TiTo): Using peer mentoring to assist graduating students’ transition beyond university. Graduate Psychology Skills Australia Conference, Melbourne.
- Brown, J., Denny, B., Butler, M., & Chester, A. (2013, September). Sharing online educational resources, platforms and practices for eTraining in GP registrar education. GPET Convention, Perth.
- Denny, B., Gavidia-Payne, S., Francis, A., Davis, K., & Jackson, M. (2013, July). Does it take a village to raise a resilient child? The role of teachers in fostering positive self-concept in advantaged and disadvantaged children in Australia. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, Peru.
- Denny, B., Gavidia-Payne, S., Francis, A., Davis, K., & Jackson, M. (2013, July). Strengthening families: The Australian experience of family resilience. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, Peru.
- Gavidia-Payne, S., Denny, B., Francis, A., & Jackson, M. (2013, July). Who are resilient parents? How psychological well-being and social connectedness contribute to quality parenting. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference, Peru.
- Chester, A., Burton, L., Xenos, S., Elgar, K., & Denny, B., (2013, July). Transition in, Transition out: A sustainable model to engage first year students in learning. International First Year in Higher Education Conference, Wellington.
- Chester A., Clarke, A., Wingrove, D., & Denny, B. (2013, June). Talking about teaching: Empowering staff through peer partnerships. International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education, Glasgow UK.
- Denny, B., Kienhuis, M., & Gavidia-Payne, S. (2013, April). From paper to practice: The role of health professionals in promoting the quality of life of organ transplant patients. APS Health Psychology Conference, Cairns.
- Denny, B., Beyerle, K., Kienhuis, M., Cora, A., Gavidia-Payne, S., & Hardikar, W. (2012, September). Quality of life and family functioning following pediatric liver transplantation. 2012 APS Annual Conference, Perth.
- Denny, B., Kienhuis, M., & Gavidia-Payne, S. (2011, October). Using crisis theory to explain the quality of life of organ transplant patients. RMIT Higher Degrees by Research Student Conference, Melbourne.